Hi guys! Kirk and I started Keto about a year ago and I have to admit it’s a diet worth exploring! Kirk and I have been on it and off it a few times, but when we are dedicated we can truly FEEL the difference compared to eating processed foods on a regular basis. We are trying our best to make it a habit that sticks. For those who are interested in learning more and being Keto with us click here to read more about the best way to start!

Hi guys! It seems like yesterday I had Clyde! So many of you have asked about my experience, so I wrote up a little post about my birth story. If you have any questions about labor, babes, and recovery message me! I’m happy to share everything I know 🙂

It’s National Disaster Preparedness Month and I’m so excited to be partnered with Clorox to share how I created our family disaster preparedness kit in preparation for an emergency! It’s so important to stay informed, have a kit, and be prepared. Clorox bleach is an essential to include in your kit. Click to read more!

I had no idea that one-in-three families struggles with providing diapers for their children. It’s National Diaper Awareness Week and I’ve teamed up with Huggies to share how you can help donate to this amazing cause and help a family in need!

I haven’t been the best at curbing my pregnancy cravings (especially the chocolate), but I have made some healthier choices when it comes to plant-based protein! I just tried the Almond Cow Plant-Based Milk Maker and I am loving it! Read on to find out more about the milk maker and just how convenient it can be to create your own milk from your favorite nuts!

Today’s post is in honor of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week and those currently struggling with an eating disorder. Read on for more about my struggle with Anorexia. You’ll also hear the story from guest blogger, MIchele Weinstein from AFitandFabulousMichele. You don’t want to miss this post!

I recently did a juice cleanse with Revolution Juices and I’m telling you all about the experience and what a 3 day detox did for me! Click to ready more!